Superman’s boyfriend gave him a cape for pride month
Ahead of the DC Pride issue on May 31, story details around Jonathan Kent and his boyfriend have been announced.
DC Colourist Tríona Tree Farrell has given her twitter followers a peek at a few panels from the upcoming anthology, showing Jay Nakamura gift his boyfriend the perfect Pride cape for the bisexual superhero. The cape features many of the various pride flags, including pan and bisexual flags, and it appears to be the inside pattern, with red on the opposite side.
Everyone I did a short in the #DCPride special which has a Final Order Cutoff for Sunday. I am so jazzed to be working with Devin Grayson, @ArtofNickRobles and @adityab! Please pre-order if you can!
I have also wanted to work on a Superman comic and I'm SO happy it's this one! pic.twitter.com/NAJnqU0BI5
— Tríona Tree Farrell (@Treestumped) April 29, 2022
“Super Pride,” by Devin Grayson, with art by Nick Robles and Aditya Bidikar, is just one of many upcoming DC Pride 2022 stories. It’s not clear from the sneak peek panels if Superman will wear the cape, something we’ll have to wait to learn.