
Love, Victor renewed for a third season

August 2, 2021 · By

We can all breathe a sigh of relief, Love, Victor has been renewed for third season. While there are few other details, including when the next season will premiere, the news gives us something to look forward to in 2022.

Love, Victor stars Michael Cimino as the titular Victor Salazar and is a spin-off of the feature film, Love, Simon. Throughout the series Nick Robinson has reprised his role as Simon, mostly as a voice-over responding to Victor’s DMs, however he made an appearance in a first season episode, and the tenth episode of the second season. Robinson remains a producer on the series.

Love, Victor Season 3 details

Victor’s boyfriend through most of the first two seasons, Benji (played by Brit George Sear) will likely make a return for the next season, however given where the second season ended, we have a pretty big cliffhanger to pick up from. No word on other returning actors including Anthony Turpel, Bebe Wood, Mason Gooding and Rachel Hilson, however we suspect Anthony Keyvan will return in the role of Rahim. It’s also very likely Victors family will return including his mother, father, sister and brother.

Since both the first two seasons dropped in early June (June 17, 2020 and June 11, 2021) we are expecting a similar start date for season three (June 10, 2022 or June 17, 2022). Also given both second one and two were each ten episodes, it’s a safe bet we’ll get another ten episodes.

Catch up on Love Victor on Hulu or internationally on Disney+.